PNPenguins are running a new food delivery business where they wish to deliver ice-cakes to all their fellow penguins in the shortest amount of time. The penguins community is a network consisting of m households total and r two-way/bidirectional roads. The time it takes to travel between two households h1,h2 is given by c(h1, h2). Due to limited budget, PNPenguins can only afford to have a maximum of k delivery centers within the community. PNPenguins have found a subset of n households (m ≠« n > k) within the community who are willing to sell their home to PNPenguins and become a delivery center. For this problem, assume that households always get ice-cakes delivered by the closest delivery center to them. Design an algorithm that helps PNPenguins to find the most optimal locations of delivery centers; that is, a set of delivery centers that minimizes the maximum delivery time needed to all households. This algorithm should run in time polynomial in m and r.