3) Prepare various Ledger Accounts: July 2021 1st 3rd 4th 5th 7th 10th 14th 17th 20th 21st 22nd 28th Akash opened bank account with cash Rs. 30,000 Akash withdrew Rs. 3,000 from the bank for office use Akash deposited Rs. 6,000 into bank Akash sold machinery for cash Rs. 14,000 Akash purchased machinery and paid cash Rs. 10,000 Akash sold furniture to Balu on credit Rs. 10,000 Akash purchased furniture from Balu on credit for Rs. 20,000 Akash sold building and received cheque of Rs. 50,000 Akash purchased machinery and paid through bank Rs. 30,000 Akash sold machinery for Rs. 50,000 received half in cash and half through bank Akash purchased machinery for Rs. 30,000 and paid Rs. 10,000 in cash and balance through bank Akash sold furniture to Balu on credit for Rs. 20,000 and received Rs. 15,000 in cash immediately.