rewrite I wanted to let you know that I have had a change of heart about my letter of intent, and I am open to staying at Oak Grove.
In my bible study, we are studying John 15, and I see fruit in my work with the students. For example, I have had joy seeing the kids enjoy literature and get excited to write an essay. Also, I have had peace in the classroom and patience as I see the kids grow in their writing skills. The students have begun writing in journals in class, and after reading their journals, I find myself praying for them. They have opened up, and I see their hearts. God has given me a love for even the unloveable ones.
Before I stated that I wanted to use The Lost Tools of Writing, because it is a process that makes it easy for most students. Very little of my teaching actually comes from this curriculum.
Again, I have enjoyed my time at Oak Grove and hope that this is God's plan. Just a quick note to say - I'm open.