(Match the following behavioral developments (A-G) with the number where they occur on the Hominin Behavior Phylogeny (Figure 2, below).

_____ Mixture of arboreal and bipedal lifestyle, as seen in hand and foot anatomy. Likely due to a patchy savannah environment.
_____ Traditionally seen as the first hominin to also live outside the African continent. Used stone tools, including handaxes (Acheulean tool tradition).
_____ Used stone tools (Mousterian tool tradition). Likely had intentional burials and made symbolic objects. Lived in Europe and the Near East.
_____ Evidence of meat scavenging, but no evidence of stone tools or hunting.
_____ Used a variety of tool technologies, including harpoons, barbs, and traps. Lived on all continents.
_____ Ate a diet mainly of tough plant foods like nuts, seeds, grasses, and tubers.
_____ Traditionally seen as the first users of stone tools (Oldowan tool tradition). here a list of possible answers: (1) S. tchadensis
(1) Ardipithecus
(2) Au. anamensis
(2) Au. afarensis
(2) Au. Africanus
(3) Au. robustus.
(3) Au. boisei
(3) Au. aethiopicus
(4) H. habilis
(5) H. erectus
(6) H.neanderthalensis
(7) H. sapiens