Meltwater flowing beneath Antarctic glaciers may be accelerating their retreat. Describe an ethical issue related to the news story's central idea: Meltwater flowing beneath Antarctic glaciers may be accelerating their retreat. Explain how bias, beliefs, assumptions, or values relate to the chosen ethical issue. This might include funding or publication bias, conflicting values between the sponsoring organization and the research agenda, the assumptions of the general public impacting how science is interpreted, or scientists' beliefs affecting the research questions they ask. Explain how the chosen ethical issue may impact (or has impacted) how research is conducted on the main idea of the news story. This could include the research questions and hypotheses scientists can test, the methods they can use to collect or analyze data, who they can collaborate with, where they publish their research, or the available funding. Explain how the chosen ethical issue may impact (or has impacted) advancements in the field of study. This might include the technology that can be developed, the knowledge that can be generated, or the problems that can be solved.
a) Meltwater Ethics
b) Glacial Dynamics
c) Antarctic Climate Change
d) Environmental Impact