Calculate the cumulative interactions and the percentage in each category for the items below. *The data set is the same for the first seven questions. Student Interactions with Instructor: Category Frequency Percentage (%) Asks for help 29 Asks questions 14 Offers information 8 Offers opinions 2 Offers help 2 Makes positive evaluation 9 Makes negative evaluation 4 Calculate the percentage for Offers opinions Calculate the cumulative interactions and the percentage in each category for the items below. *The data set is the same for the first seven questions. Student Interactions with Instructor: Category Frequency Percentage (%) Asks for help 29 Asks questions 14 Offers information 8 Offers opinions 2 Offers help 2 Makes positive evaluation 9 Makes negative evaluation 4 Calculate the percentage for Offers opinions. a) 1.6%
b) 2.9%
c) 13.6%
d) 3.4%