Help create a Flow chart
1. Start: Oval shape labeled "Start"
2. Prepare Water Sample and Solutions: Rectangle shape labeled "Prepare water sample and solutions"
3. Add Aqueous Solutions to Water Sample: Decision diamond shape with three branches labeled:
- "Add NaCl(aq)"
- "Add Na2SO4(aq)"
- "Add NaOH(aq)"
4. Observe for Precipitation: Rectangle shape labeled "Observe for precipitation"
5. Is Precipitation Observed: Decision diamond shape with two branches labeled:
- "Yes" (if precipitation is observed)
- "No" (if precipitation is not observed)
6. Centrifuge Mixture: Rectangle shape labeled "Centrifuge mixture"
7. Conduct Flame Tests: Rectangle shape labeled "Conduct flame tests"
8. End: Oval shape labeled "End"
Each of these steps should be connected with arrows indicating the flow of the process. Be sure to include clear labels for each step and decision point.