Step 1: Choose a failed amendment idea to research from the following list:
-Child Labor
-Flag Desecration
-Balanced Budget
-Every Vote Counts
-Death Penalty Abolition
-Term Limits for Congress
-English as Official Language
-Equal Opportunity to Govern

Step 2: Research the amendment idea. Find facts and information that support answers to the following questions:

When was the idea first introduced?
What has happened to this amendment idea since introduction?
Why do people support this amendment idea?
Why are people against this amendment idea?

Step 3: Form your own opinion. Consider the evidence you found in research.

Step 4: Create your presentation. You will not be provided with a template. You may choose your presentation format. No matter what format you choose, you must include the following:

-summary of the amendment idea's history
-arguments for and against the amendment idea
-who you spoke to about the idea and what they said
-your opinion on the idea and reasons for your opinion
-a list of resources you used to find information