Kacyn is a BCBA at an ABA Center. She is running a small social skills group with 6 children who have autism spectrum disorder. Kacyn is using the "Tough Kids Social Skills Curriculum." The goal of the social skills sessions is to build basic social entry skills (e.g., making eye contact, greetings, responding to name). Prior to the start of the group, Kacyn collected data for each of the participants. Specifically, she asked the therapists to complete the BASC-2 (a rating scale that measures changes in behavior and emotional status) and also collected the frequency of spontaneous greetings during a 30-minute observation period. She continued to collect data for spontaneous greetings during and after implementation of the social skills group. What is the dependent variable a) Therapist ratings on the BASC-2
b) Frequency of spontaneous greetings
c) Presence of autism spectrum disorder
d) Duration of the social skills group