Choose which information is NOT TRUE about the layout of the Annex.
a) Peter van Daan’s apartment is in a tiny corridor leading to the attic.
b) There is a step to get into the front door and a steep staircase immediately opposite the entrance.
c) The sitting room of the Frank family is up the stairs in a big light room facing the canal.
d) To the right of the front entrance is the room with a wash basin and a water closet.
At the beginning of Anne’s Diary, she writes an epigraph, stating the reason why she started a diary. What was her main reason?
a) She felt alone and had nobody to confide in- so Kitty would be a great source of comfort.
b) She wrote she wanted to be a writer and practicer her first-person narration.
c) She felt it was important to document the events of the war.
d) She had always kept a diary, so this one would be about her teenage years.
Why did Otto Frank move his family into the Secret Annex much sooner than they planned?
a) The S.S. sent a call-up notice for Otto Frank.
b) They received secret information from the Joodse Invalide that the Gestapo were going to round up certain Jewish families.
c) The S.S. had sent a call-up for Margot go to go a work camp in Germany.
d) There were rumours that Jews were being taken in the night and sent to concentration camps.
Which statements are NOT TRUE pieces of information that Anne hears about what happens in Holland?
a) Jews are taken by the Gestapo, put in cattle cars, and sent to Westerbork in Drente.
b) Many trainloads of boys were taken to Gemany daily. Some would hop off the trains and escape at small stations en route.
c) When Jews are sent to concentration camps, like Westerbork, some were able to escape before they are branded and shaven.
d) Prominent citizens who were innocent were thrown into prison and used as hostages when a saboteur couldn’t be traced.
Choose the list that best describes the tone of Anne’s Diary.
a) immature, ignorant, ashamed
b) closed, hindered, introverted
c) exuberant, joyful, and optimistic
d) youthful, unhindered, progressively mature
Which statement best describes Mr. Dussel?
a) Always working, alternated only by his afternoon nap, food, and his favorite spot- the lavatory.
b) He is first to be served, takes a lot of everything if it is what he likes.
c) Always gives his opinion as the only one worth listening to.
d) A perfect example and knows the most about everything.
Where did each resident of the Annex live? Choose the correct statement.
a) The van Daans in the upper room; Mummy & Pim in the sitting room; Margot & Anne in the study
b) Mr. Dussel in the room with the washbasin; Anne & Margot in the study
c) van Daan family in the sitting room; Peter in the study; Mummy & Father in the upper room
d) Anne & Margot in the corridor leading to the attic; Mr. Dussel in the study
How do the family learn about the outside world?
a) Mr. Dussel gets the daily paper delivered to the Annex door each morning.
b) The family speaks regularly with the helpers, like Elli, and also listens to the radio every evening.
c) Anne and Margot receive books, magazines, and correspondence from their
d) Otto Frank speaks with his workers in the warehouse each evening after work.
Which quote best describes Anne’s description of Mrs. van Daan.
a) She could be called “the kindler” because she has fun stirring up trouble between others.
b) She eats like a little mouse and doesn’t talk at all.
c) She has a Danaidean appetite- never full even after the heartiest meal.
d) She always washes up the dishes because she’s a good housewife