Suppose you started a Web site hosting business and then decided to return to school. Now that you are back in school, you are considering selling the business within the next year. An investor has offered to buy the business for $200,000 whenever you are ready. If the interest rate is 10%, what is each of following choices’ present value to you which of the following three alternatives is the best choice
a. Sell the business now.
b. Scale back the business and continue running it while you are in school for one more year, and then sell the business (requiring you to spend $10,000 on expenses now, but generating $50,000 in profit at the end of the year).
c. Hire someone to manage the business while you are in school for one more year, and then sell the business (requiring you to spend $60,000 on expenses now, but generating $100,000 in profit at the end of the year).