Read the following Emergency Department Course:
Emergency Department Course: Miss Sweet arrived in the ED lethargic but responsive. Given her history and vomiting, we were concerned about diabetic ketoacidosis. The patient's finger stick blood sugar test result of 320 confirmed hyperglycemia, and a urinalysis revealed both glucosuria and ketonuria. An IV was started and labs were sent. Chemistry profile showed hypernatremia, hypokalemia, and acidemia. The pediatric intensive care team was contacted for transfer to the PICU. According to the Emergency Department Course, which of the following statements is NOT true?
Multiple Choice
a. The patient has sugar in her urine.
b. The patient had calcium in her urine.
c. The patient had ketone bodies in her urine.
d. The patient's blood sugar was high.
e. The ED was concerned that Miss Sweet's body was unable to burn sugar and was therefore producing ketone bodies and causing an acidic condition of the blood.