Smiley (a singer) and Billy (her manager) both domiciled in Los Angeles, California,
sue Mouse, Inc., incorporated in Delaware with main offices in Orlando, Florida, for a
breach of contract claim. The contract was negotiated, signed, and partially performed at
Mouse's studios in Florida. Smiley and Billy decide to file the claim in a federal court in
the Middle District of Florida, located in the 11th Circuit. What law will the federal
judge apply to adjudicate the claim?
A. Florida contract law and 11th Circuit procedural law.
B. Florida contract law and Florida procedural law.
C. 11th Circuit contract law and 11th Circuit procedural law.
D. 11th Circuit contract law and Florida procedural law.
E. The judge must apply Florida contract law, but she may apply any procedural law she
sees fit, as long as it doesn't violate the Constitution's procedural Due Process clause.