Homework #1: E/R Modeling
1) Hood College wants to design a database to organize their student membership in clubs on
campus and maintain a record of their meetings. Hood College Student Life maintains data
about the following entities:
a. Club, including club name, description, budget, club president, and faculty advisor
b. Student, including student ID, student name, email address, and major
c. Faculty Advisor, including faculty ID, faculty name, phone number, email address, and
d. Meeting, including date, time, location, meeting length, and agenda
Each club must have one faculty member who advises it, and the date when the faculty advisor first
advised the club must be appropriately modeled. We are not interested in keeping the meeting
information for a club if that club doesn’t exist anymore.
Construct the E-R diagram for Hood Student Life. Document all relationships (both directions
for each relationship) and any assumptions that you make. Make sure that your model
properly depicts entities, attributes, constraints, and relationships and weak entities (if any).
Note: It is very important that you stay within the bounds of the problem as stated above. For
example, the description above refers to clubs that exist on Hood’s campus. It does not mention or
imply anything about athletic teams. Therefore, don’t even attempt to create a model that
accommodates those items.
It is also very important that you do not add attributes if they are not necessary or required by the
problem. For example, the description above refers to students. It does not mention or imply
anything about student status (i.e. freshman, sophomore etc). Therefore, don’t even attempt to
create a model that includes student status as an attribute; it would be superfluous.
These are just examples of how you can find yourself out of bounds.
Developing a general, all inclusive model to solve the problem is as important as creating a wellbounded model to solve the problem.