Chapter 19 – Pages 88-96 – A New Year’s Story
1. What situation occurred on New Year’s Eve?
2. What was Pausch told about his wife’s condition?
3. What assumption did Pausch make about the B team?
4. What job was Pausch given at the hospital?
5. Why did Pausch’s father think it was humorous?
6. What did Pausch do alleviate his wife’s fears?
7. What two things did the doctor tell Pausch and Jai about the birth of their first child?
8. How did Dylan look after his birth?
9. What did Pausch and Jai think when they went to the hospital and saw Dylan’s
bassinette gone?
10. What was the nurse’s response?
11. What would have been the worst case scenario?
12. What did the new parents learn from this experience?