Question 1

This simulation assignment examines the use of synchronous rectification to generate the 1 V, 20 A power supply required by a microprocessor. A 12 V bus is available, and hence the object is to design a 12V:1V buck converter. We will model the microprocessor with a 50 milliohm resistor.

Download the buck converter zip file for this assignment.

This file contains a conventional buck converter that employs a MOSFET (IRFZ44N) and a schottky diode (MBRB2545CT). There is both a 12 V power input Vg and a 12 V floating gate driver power supply. The switching frequency is 100 kHz. Do not change the element values or circuitry.

Manually adjust the commanded duty cycle Vduty so that the output voltage is 1 V +/- 25 mV. What value of Vduty is required to achieve the required output voltage? i need answer for 6 quiz i dont need explaination