SPSS or Excel Exercises Data for ExercisesData setDescription 2013 YRBS.savThe 2013 YRBS (Youth Risk Behavior Survey) is a national study of high school students. It focuses on gauging various behaviors and experiences of the adolescent population, including substance use and some victimization.Variables for ExercisesVariable NameDescriptionstateThe state in which the respondent livesschoolnameThe name of the school the respondent went toqn23Dichotomy based on how respondents answer a question about whether they have been forced to have sex on a date in the past year, where 1 = yes and 0 = noqn49Dichotomy based on whether respondent smoked marijuana in the past month, where 1 = yes and 0 = no This time, we’ll be using the YRBS 2013 subsample, which is a survey of high school students all around the United States. This survey was given to students in a classroom filled with their peers under the supervision of a trained survey administrator. Let’s say we’d like to see if individuals from different schools and states have higher or lower rates of sexual victimization. First, make a frequency table (analyze-> descriptives->frequencies) of the variables state and schoolname. What do you see? Why do you think that the results look this way? How does this apply to what you’ve been reading about research ethics? Calculate a frequency table for the variable qn23 (forced to have sex on a date). First, what sort of ethical considerations need to be made when asking a question like this? Bear in mind that this survey was given to students in a classroom filled with their peers under the supervision of a trained survey administrator. Consider, for instance, what the participant must be told before the survey, the setting the survey occurs in, and how data sets will be released to researchers.What does this frequency table tell us about the incidence of sexual assault in the country?Consider the questions in 2a again. Do you think the results in 2b might have been different if those ethical considerations hadn’t been