The Rhinoceros There are several species of rhinoceroses, some of which are found in Asia and others in different parts of Africa. The four varieties of rhinoceroses are the black rhinoceros, having a single horn; the black species having two horns; the long-horned white rhinoceros; and the common white species, having a short, stubby horn. The largest of the African species is the long-horned, white, or square-nosed rhinoceros. When full-grown, it sometimes measures eighteen feet in length and about the same around the body. Its horn frequently reaches a length of thirty inches. The black rhinoceros, although much smaller than the white and seldom having a horn over eighteen inches long, is much fiercer than the white species and possesses a wonderful degree of strength. The form of the rhinoceros is clumsy, and its appearance is dull and heavy. The limbs are thick and powerful, and each foot has three toes, which are covered with broad, hoof-like nails. The tail is small, and the head is very long and large. Taken altogether, the rhinoceros is the most unattractive of all animals. The eyes are set in such a manner that the animal cannot see anything exactly in front of it, but the senses of hearing and smell are so keen that sight is not required to detect an enemy. The skin of the African rhinoceros is smooth and has only a few hairs here and there. It is, however, very thick and tough. The largest known species of the rhinoceros is found in Asia. It lives chiefly in the marshy jungles and on the banks of lakes and rivers in India. Some of this species are over five feet in height and have horns three feet in length and eighteen inches around the base. The food of the rhinoceros consists of roots and the young branches and leaves of trees and shrubs. Though clumsy, the rhinoceros is a very active animal when attacked or otherwise alarmed and moves at a great speed. It is very fierce and savage, and when attacking an enemy, it lowers its head and rushes forward. 8 Whic