Import favorites QuestioIII 1 School Websites Instructions Read the question carefully and select the best answer. What does the following passage mainly reveal about Odysseus (paragraph 3)? Odysseus, as can be readily believed, had not overlooked this fact. His plan was to leave a single Greek behind in the deserted camp, primed with a tale calculated to make the Trojans draw the horse into the city - and without investigating it. A. He was clever and comprehensive in coming up with a plan of attack. B. He was a ruthless warrior who sought to destroy everything in his path. C. He did not care about details so much as he relied purely on instinct. D. He was brave enough to stay behind by himself and be the one to wait outside the gates of Troy. BEST: FL-ELA K12.EE.2.1 Tyne here to search i Save and continue J 11: 1/1