Person 1 and her friends are planning a weekend trip. Person 1 is in charge of estimating the amount of food and drinks they will need for the whole weekend and finding lodging. However, Person 1 also just got a promotion and has a lot of extra work to do and is afraid they won't have time to do everything they need to do for the weekend trip. What’s the best way for Person 1 to prioritize what they need to accomplish?
a. Person 1 should work on everything simultaneously and get as much done as possible on every task. It's better to do half of all the tasks than only complete one task fully.
b. Since Person 1 was tasked with these requests, they don't want to let their friends down. Person 1 can just get everything done, even if it is stressful and they lose sleep.
c. While both tasks are important, Person 1 knows that securing lodging is the most important. They also know that doing well at work is especially important right now. They focus on finding lodging and ask their friends if someone else can help with food so they can put more focus on work.