The suggestion that Ashanti (Astante) in its present state should come and enjoy the protection of Her
Majesty that Queen and Empress of India, I may say this is a matter of serious consideration, and which
I am happy to say we have arrived at the conclusion that my kingdom of Ashanti will never commit
itself to any such conclusion, that Ashanti must-remain independent as of old, at the same time to
remain friendly with all white men. I do not write this with a-boastful spirit, but in the clear sense of its
meaning, Ashanti is an independent kingdom.
Kwaku Dua III to Frederic M. Hodgson, December 27, 188
What is Kwaku Dua III's answer to the queen?
He would enjoy the protection of the queen
He cannot commit himself at this time.
He is offended by her offer.
He refuses her offer.
hy do you think Kwaku Dua III responded that he wanted to remain friendly to white men?
He wanted his country to be placed under the protection of white men.
He was trying to be diplomatic.
He wanted to adopt white man's culture.
He wanted the assistance of white men.