In the United​ States, to receive a medical​ license, a doctor must complete a residency program at a hospital. Hospitals are not free to expand their residency programs in a particular medical specialty without approval from a Residency Review Committee​ (RRC), which is made up of physicians in that specialty. A hospital that does not abide by the rulings of the RRC runs the risk of losing its accreditation from the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education​ (ACGME). The ACGME and the RRCs argue that this system makes it possible to ensure that residency programs do not expand to the point where they are not providing residents with​ high-quality training.
​Sources: Brian​ Palmer, "We Need More​ Doctors, Stat!" Slate​, June​ 27, 2011; Sean​ Nicholson, "Barriers to Entering Medical​ Specialties," Wharton School​, September 2003.
Part 2
This system may help protect consumers by ensuring that
Part 3
hospitals do not police themselves.
accrediting bodies maintain command and control.
future doctors receive​ high-quality training.