Jurist: To ensure that a legal system remains just, it is important to guarantee that lawbreaking does not give lawbreakers an unfair advantage over law abiders. Thus, notwithstanding any other goals that criminal punishment may serve, it should certainly attempt to ensure that criminal wrongdoing remains profitless.
The jurist's claim that it is important to guarantee that lawbreaking does not give lawbreakers an unfair advantage over law abiders functions in the argument in which one of the following ways?
(A) It states a condition that, if fulfilled, will ensure that a legal system remains just.
(B) It expresses a principle that is offered as support for the conclusion.
(C) It is a conclusion for which the only support offered is the claim that the legal system serves multiple goals.
(D) It is a premise presented as support for the claim that the most important goal of criminal punishment is to ensure that criminal wrongdoing remains profitless.
(E) It is presented as refuting an argument that criminal punishment has goals other than guaranteeing that lawbreaking remains profitless.