What is the direction of the school f Look for the point given as 'from' in the picture. This is the county 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. Use the cardinal points to answer the questions below. Write the answers in your exercise book. What is the direction of the cattle dip from the county office? What is the direction of the school from the church? of the school. of the cattle dip. office. Draw a compass at the county office. Draw a straight line from the county office to the school. Read the direction of the school from the county office. The direction of the school from the county office is West. The county office is found to the The church is found to the Compass points help us to tell the direction of a thing or place from nother. We are able to tell if something or a place is in the North, ast, West or South of a thing or place.​