22- Most of the cabinets have had (their , its) knobs replaced.

23- My two best friends are successful in (her, their) academics.

24- Each of the students submitted (his or her, their) surveys to Latino Club.

25- None of my colleagues struggled with (his or her, their) job today.

26- This season, most of the boys are trying out for (his, their) school's baseball team.

27- All of the dads appreciated (his, their) Father's Day gifts.

28- Either of the business owners would represent (their, his or her) industry well.

29- Several of the athletes exhibited (their, his or her) athletic abilities well during practice.

30- Is anybody done with (there, his or her) dinner yet?

31- Anyone would appreciate taking (their, his or her) dog for a walk in this summer weather.

32- None of my siblings could fit into (their, his or her) dress clothes for the wedding.

33- Both of the young men need new notebooks for (his, their) classes next semester.

34- All of my family plans to celebrate the holidays at (our, its) grandparents' place.

35- When night fell, several of the campers put on (his or her, their) pajamas.

36- Moths and mosquitoes found (its, their) way into the house.

37- Either Billy or Jacob will deliver (his, their) speech after McKenzie.

38- Both Veronica and Tika committed to bringing (her, their) notecards to class.

39- Did Melissa or Alejandra study for (her, their) ACT exam?

40- Neither Dad nor Mom was pleased with (their, his or her) children's behavior.

41- Mr. Jones and Mrs. Anderson emailed the class, and (he or she, they) are offering quiz re-takes.

42- A dog or cat must have found (its, their) way into our backyard.

43- The principal and associate principal work with (one another, each other) to set a good example.

44- The entire student body and the faculty applauded (their, his or her) school's award recipients.

45- Will Grandma or Aunt Susan bring (their, her) delicious homemade pie to the party?

46- Neither Jordan nor Mindy wants (their, his or her) reputation to be tarnished due to one mistake.

47. The entire soccer team looks out for (one another, each other), on and off the field.

48- dayton and narda took ____ younger siblings to the candy store.

49- Neither Cheryl nor Madge finished ____ their podcast by the deadline.

50- Jaime and Kevin promised that _____ would lead the discussion.

51- neither natalie nor tabatha will express ______ concerns to the principal.

52- dave and mark said that ____ will depart by 10:00 am.

53- the family debated the placement of ____ furniture in the new townhouse.

54- the drama club congratulated _____ on a terrific performance?