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Now that I have read the article about Ancient Greece Gods, I will decide which three gods!
think are most important. In Ancient Greece, myths were an important part of everyday life especially
about gods. In the article they talked about their religion rituals to weather, and they also explained
many things people saw around them. Some gods deserve to be a god, and some do not. There are
seven gods and there are three gods that I think should be gods. First, Dionysus should be a god. Second,
Poseidon should be declared as a god. Third, Zeus deserves the tittle of a god. After reading this, I hope
that you will agree with my point of view.
First, Dionysus is a wonderful and deserves to be a god. I picked Dionysus because he helped
Greek survive and help them with trading and getting money. Which means he was a hero for helping
the Greek survive. Dionysus also taught humans to grow grapevines and make wine. Also, I know that
Dionysus is loving and brave because in the article it says "He finally went into the underworld to find his
mother this shows that Dionysus is loving and brave. After Dionysus saved his mom, he renamed her so
she would not be caught again. If he were caught saving his mother, he would have to stay trapped in the
underworld forever. Dionysus is the most worshipped god, and the Greeks viewed him as kind and
Additionally, Poseidon is amazing and deserves to be a god. I chose Poseidon because Poseidon
is a powerful god, and Poseidon is also one of the most important gods. Poseidon is the god of the sea,
earthquakes, and horse. So, Poseidon can sometimes get angry, but Paseidan laves his kids. Poseidon is
enormously powerful god because in the article it says, "Stories of mortals that angered Poseidon usually
ended up by them being very much dead." This proves that Poseidon is immensely powerful. Poseidon
was so strong that even other gods feared him.
Finally, Zeus should be a god. I think Zeus should be a god he is a ruler of all gods. I the article it
says, "Ruler of all gods on Mount Olympus." This means Zeus is important. Zues is also a hero for freeing
his siblings. Which makes Zeus a hera for saving his family, and brave for going in a ten-year war with
Stans. In the article it says, "When Zeus was older, he went to free his brothers and sisters, together with
their allies, the hekatonkheries and the elder cyclops, Zeus and his siblings fought against the titans in a
ten-year war known as the Titanomachy." This shows why I think Zeus should be a god,
To, conclude, some gods deserve to be gods, and some do not. To begin with I picked Dionysus
Then I picked Poseidon. Lastly, I picked Zeus. I picked these three gods because they all have amazing
characterizations to be gods. Now that you have read my essay on which three gods, I think are the best I
hope that you will agree with my point of view.