9. Find 2 examples of imagery from chapter 1, with page numbers. After you find your
examples, analyze each example (i.e. what does it mean/why is it significant?)
As a reference, imagery is visually descriptive language.
Example 1
(w/ page #)
Analysis of Example 1
Example 1
(w/ page #)
10. Find 2 examples of allusions from chapter 1, with page numbers. After you find your
examples, analyze each example (i.e. what does it mean/why is it significant?)
As a reference, an allusion is an expression designed to call something to mind without
mentioning it explicitly. It is an indirect or passing reference.
Analysis of Example 1
Example 2
(w/ page #)
Quote that supports Theme:
Analysis of Example 2
11. Theme: Create a THEME based on the topics listed in the boxes below. Then, find a
quote from the text that supports each theme. Be sure to include page #s.
Example 2
(w/ page #)
Analysis of Example 2
Quote that supports Theme:
12. Based on what we've read so far, craft one OPEN-ENDED question you have regarding
the text. Begin your question with WHY or HOW.