Step #2- You will be completing 2 of the 4 earthquake simulations. Everyone will be doing San Francisco
and one of your own choice. As you work through the simulations, please record all of your data from the iPad
on the following worksheet in ink or text. Make sure to record all your data under the proper earthquake.
Click on San Fransisco to begin your simulation. Click on, Submit Your Choice
Read the paragraph on measuring S-P interval. You will want to be very accurate, so make sure you look at the
way the seconds were calculated on the sample (Remember that each blue vertical line represents 2 seconds).
Click on, View Seismograms, and record the data in the appropriate space for the earthquake you are doing.
(We did San Francisco together in class. You need to pick 1 of the other 3 to do on your own)
San Fransisco
Earthquake Name:
S. California
Location #1
S-P Time (Seconds):
Location #2
S-P Time (Seconds):
Location # 3
S-P Time (Seconds):
Step #3- Click on, Convert S-P Interval. According to the sample graph, how long does it take a P-wave to
travel 200 km? A XXXXXXXXXXHow long for S-wave to travel 200 km
P-wave =
S-wave =
Scroll down to the larger graph that shows only the S-P interval curve. Record your epicentral distances.
Epicentral Distances:
San Fransisco
S. California
Seismograph #1
Seismograph #2
have entered the distances into the corresponding boxes, click on, Find Epicenter. You will receive
one of the following messages:
Seismograph #3
If your screen says "OOOPS" this means you have probably made a mistake in your calculations. In
this case, click on, Remeasure S-P Interval, and try again. (This is why you should use pencil).
If your screen says, Very Close, this means your three epicentral distances are very close to
intersecting at one point. You do not have to remeasure your S-P interval, click on View True
Epicenter to see how close you are. Once you find the true epicenter, click on Compute Richter
If your screen says "Excellent Work" this means that you found the true epicenter of the earthquake.
Click on Compute Richter Magnitude.

Step 2 You will be completing 2 of the 4 earthquake simulations Everyone will be doing San Francisco and one of your own choice As you work through the simulati class=