
On a hot Monday afternoon we walt beside the kitchen porch for Jim, the Iceman. He always gives us some ice to suck on. Today the Ice will
really taste good.
Finally, Jim's truck turns down the alley. Jim gets out of the truck and throws a leather apron over his shoulder. This will help keep his shirt
dry. By now we are all standing behind the truck. When Jim opens the back door we can feel the cool air come out. Jim takes his ice tongs Inside and
grabs a chunk of ice. It looks heavy, but Jim easily throws it over his shoulder and starts for the kitchen.
This piece of ice is so big that Mom has to make room for it in the icebox. Jim swings the ice chunk into place, and Mom moves the milk up
close to it to stay good and cold.
When Jim comes out of the house, I give him the money for the ice. Mom always lets one of the kids do that. Now it's our turn. We can
hardly wait. Jim uses an ice pick to chip off a small piece of ice for each of us. As soon as the ice touches my hands, it begins to melt. Pretty soon the
front of my shirt is wet. My teeth feel cold and my tongue feels numb. But it's worth it. The Ice tastes so good.
Jim doesn't say much to us, but Mom says he always asks how we are doing in school. I think he really enjoys making us happy. I wonder if
Jim has any kids of his own.
Based on the passage, which words best describe Jim?
1. cold and unthinking
2. nervous and busy
3. quiet and caring
4. silent and angry