
An ant climbs vertically on a fence. Its motion is shown on the following graph of vertical position � yy vs. time � tt. Graph of y (in meters) vs. t (in seconds) that starts at 6 m at 0sec, decreases linearly to 2m at 4 sec, stays constant at 2m from 4 sec to 7 sec, increases linearly to 5 m from 7 sec to 9 sec, then stays constant until 10 sec. Graph of y (in meters) vs. t (in seconds) that starts at 6 m at 0sec, decreases linearly to 2m at 4 sec, stays constant at 2m from 4 sec to 7 sec, increases linearly to 5 m from 7 sec to 9 sec, then stays constant until 10 sec. What is the instantaneous speed of the ant at time � = 8 s t=8 st, equals, 8, start text, space, s, end text?