It is often assumed that the frictional force between two surfaces is independent of their relative speed. However, the details of the axle’s construction are unknown, and it is possible that the frictional torque for the axle depends on the platform’s angular speed.Does the experiment described in parts (a) and (b) depend on the assumption that the frictional torque is independent of the platform’s angular speed?____ Yes ____ NoNote: Either answer may be correct, depending on your experimental design.If you answered yes, describe which part of your analysis depends on this assumption.If you answered no, explain how your analysis does not depend on this assumption.Briefly describe how the experimental procedure described in parts (a) and (b) could be modified to determine whether the frictional torque stays constant as the angular speed changes. If no modification is necessary, state that explicitly. In either case, describe how the data could be analyzed to determine whether the frictional torque stays constant as the angular speed changes.