Step tariffs 0-6 ke 7-15 ke 16-30 ke 31-60 ke Above 61 ke Basic charge per month 2016/2017 Prices (R) per 6,91 15,95 17,00 19, 04 21,58 22,00 % increase 8% 9% 11% 11,5% 12,5% 12% 2017/2018 Prices (R) per 7,46 17,39 Use the table above to answer the questions that follow 2.1.1 Define the basic charge in the given context. 2.1.2 Show how the tariff of R18,87 during 2017/2018 was calculated. 18,87 21,23 24, 28 24, 64 2.1.3 Mr Morake's municipal bill showed R201,27, for water usage at the end of August 2018. He stated that the basic charge was not included on the water bill. Verify if this statement is correct. (2) (2)​