Please read the following article that I have provided for you:

Shankleman, M., Sykes, C., Mandeville, K. L., Costa, S. D., & Yarrow, K. (2015). Standardised (plain) cigarette packaging increases attention to both text-based and graphical health warnings: Experimental evidence. Public Health, 129(1), 37–42. doi: 10.1016/j.puhe.2014.10.019.


How many independent variables were there? What were the independent variables? How many levels for each of them?
What was the main hypothesis of the study?

What was the dependent variable? What was the operational definition for the dependent variable?
Was there a significant main effect for each independent variable? If there was please describe it.
Was there a significant interaction effect? If there was, please describe it.
What was the overall conclusion of the study?
What are some of the limitations of the study?

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