Please help with this web design CSS!

Code a new style rule for the table element selector that configures a table with a 2 pixel solid blue border (#3399CC) and no cellspacing (use border-collapse: collapse;).

Code a new style rule for the td and th element selectors that sets padding to 0.5em and configures a 2 pixel solid blue border (#3399CC).

Code a new style rule for the td element selector that centers text.

Notice that the content in the table data cells that contain the text description is not centered. Code a new style rule for a class named text that will override the td style rule and left-align the text. Configure alternate-row background color. The table looks more appealing if the rows have alternate background colors but is still readable without them. Apply the :nth-of-type CSS3 pseudo-class to configure the odd table rows with a light blue background color (#F5FAFC).