Below is a list of the hardware and software that is currently installed in their network:
City Hall is the "hub" for the network. It has 2 CISCO Layer 3 Switches that support 96 users (48 ports per switch), and 2 CISCO 5900 Routers, one is a backup.
The other sites have3 CISCO 24 port switches that supports approximately 50 users per site. Each site also has a CSU/DSU for the T1 line, and a CISCO 2900 router.
The city has 10 Dell Rack Mount Servers at City Hall, running Windows 2003 Server with Active Directory.
The other sites have 2 Dell Rack Mount Servers that each are running their own Active Directory Tree. The A.D. structure is NOT integrated across the network.
All offices are running Windows 7 on the machines (total of 550 computers). They have held off on upgrading to Windows 10 but realized that they may need to upgrade the systems.
The city does not have wireless access except for inside City Hall, and it is restricted to employees only (uses WAP and each employee has a unique employee ID to login).