Work in a small group or alone to complete this exercise. Review the primate descriptions below. For each primate, describe the primate's likely body size and digestive tract.
1. Primate A is an insectivore that eats a lot of moths, stick insects, and grasshoppers. These foods provide small packets of energy that are easy to digest.
>> Body size:
>> Digestive tract:
2. Primate B is a frugivore that eats a lot of berries, figs, and other tree fruits. These foods provide moderate packets of energy that are relatively easy to digest.
>> Body size:
>> Digestive tract:
3. Primate C is a gummivore that eats a lot of tree sap. This food provides small packets of energy that are easily digested.
>> Body size:
>> Digestive tract:
4. Primate D is a folivore that eats a wide variety of leaves, stems, and young plant shoots. This food provides limited, slow- burning energy and is difficult to digest.
>> Body size:
>> Digestive tract: