Suppose the reduction of nitric oxide proceeds by the following mechanism: step elementary reaction rate constant 1 H2(g) + 2 NO(g) →N,0(g) + H,0(g) H,(g) + N,O(g) → N,(g) + H2O(g) k2 Suppose also k,«k,. That is, the first step is much slower than the second. Write the balanced chemical equation for the overall chemical reaction: 2H, (g) + 2NO(g) → N, (g) + 2H,0(g) Write the experimentally- observable rate law for the ? overall chemical reaction. rate = k k, H, Note: your answer should not contain the concentrations of any intermediates. Express the rate constant k for the overall chemical reaction in terms of k1, k2, and (if necessary) the rate constants k-1 k = k. 1 and k-2 for the reverse of the two elementary reactions in the mechanism.