Write the SQL to create a Product table with the following columns:

ID - Unsigned integer
Name - Variable-length string with maximum 40 characters
ProductType - Fixed-length string with maximum 3 characters
OriginDate - Year, month, and day
Weight - Decimal number with six significant digits and one digit after the decimal point

Place your CREATE TABLE statement before the INSERT and SELECT statements. Run your solution and verify the result table contains the three inserted rows.

-- Write your CREATE TABLE statement here:

INSERT INTO Product (ID, Name, ProductType, OriginDate, Weight) VALUES
(100, 'Tricorder', 'COM', '2020-08-11', 2.4),
(200, 'Food replicator', 'FOD', '2020-09-21', 54.2),
(300, 'Cloaking device', 'SPA', '2019-02-04', 177.9);

FROM Product;