Using formal, academic language, write an accurate, developed and insightful overall purpose statement AND THEN a 6-8 sentence CEC body paragraph (no longer) that demonstrates your understanding of the rhetorical choice and its purpose your group analyzed in class.
As always, your analysis here should be written in formal, academic prose and should include:
1. Purpose Statement with Context:
Write an accurate, formal thesis/purpose statement of King's overall purpose across his entire inaugural oral poem.
2. A 6-8 sentence body/CEC paragraph that includes:
- A topic/claim sentence that establishes King's purpose in your group's "chunk"/section of the text
- Your topic/claim sentence in the previous step should begin with a signal word or phrase indicating to the reader where this occurs in the speech ("King opens with the purpose of......" OR "King then shifts to ---- for the purpose of ........" OR "King closes by --------- to achieve his purpose of --------- ."
- Direct quote evidence of his rhetorical strategy/technique
- 3-4 sentences of Commentary/Analysis developing how King's rhetorical technique allows him to achieve his purpose stated in your claim/topic sentence above