

Now that you have read Act II of Twelfth Night and reviewed a video clip, you have had a chance to compare and contrast the different portrayals of the same subject matter. You thought about elements of the text, such as setting, characters, plot, tone, and mood. Then, you considered how these same elements are portrayed in the video. Now decide: Which version did you like better, the text or the video? Share your choice with your classmates along with details from both versions that helped you decide.

Create one original post in which you

Determine whether you prefer the text or video version of Twelfth Night and use details from both versions to explain your choice. You may focus on comparing or contrasting any aspect, such as setting, characters, plot, or tone, or a combination of aspects.

Include in your post a difference you perceived between the formats. How did each format affect your ability to imagine what was happening? How did each version appeal to your senses of sight and sound? Was there anything the live version could do that the written could not, or vice versa? For example, the play is performed before a live audience, so the audience’s reactions may have influenced your reaction or understanding.