Building Citizenship
1. DETERMINING CONTEXT As a citizen, what are your
responsibilities in the legislative process? How can you influence
legislative action?
Building History-Social Science Analysis
2. SUMMARIZING How is debating a bill different in the Senate
than in the House?
3. IDENTIFYING CONNECTIONS Compare the roles of the
majority leader and the minority leader in the legislative process.
4. ANALYZING CHANGE Explain how the cloture resolution
changed the legislative process.
Writing About Government
5. EXPLANATORY WRITING Congress has a bicameral structure
with two very different chambers. Write an essay analyzing how
lawmaking is different in the Senate as compared to the House
of Representatives.
6. SPEAKING AND LISTENING In small groups, discuss the male/
female makeup of the Senate in the 115th Congress. The diagram
shows that the Senate is 21% female and 79% male. The U.S. Census
report of 2010 shows that the U.S. population is 50.8% female and
49,2% male. Do you think the Senate is a fair representation of the
general population and its needs? Why or why not?