Design the infrastructure of a network that is connected to the internet. Be sure that you provide access for users. Your model must explain how a photo, text, or email goes from one device (such as a computer) to another device (another computer) on the internet.

You can present your network in any of the following ways.

Use any kind of word-processing software. You can make boxes with labels that say “router,” “laptop #1,” and so on. They do not have to be pictures.
Use presentation software and write notes.
Use presentation software and record an explanation of your network.
Draw your diagram by hand on paper and take a picture of it or scan it. This method may require a separate file explaining how a message travels from one device to another.
Draw your diagram and make a video of you describing your network.
Instead of drawing a network, your group can personify the network and model the role of the hardware components. Make a video of your group explaining their roles.
Use any combination of these methods.