Lab 8.13.3 Configure User Account Restrictions. Once completed, take a screenshot of the completed lab, and create a lab report (in a Word document) by pasting the screenshot and addressing the following prompts below at the end that same report. As the final section of your lab report, reflect on how the processes you completed in the lab may be utilized in the cyber workplace. Be sure to use headers to clearly title this section of the report.

Your task is to perform the following:

Enable logon Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. only for Borey Chan, a temporary sales account assistant in the Sales/TemSales OU.
Set Borey Chan’s user account to expire on December 31st.
Disable Pat Benton’s account, as she has been fired from the Research-Dev department, until her replacement is found.
Enable Wendy Pots’ account in the Research-Dev department to allow her logon on her return from maternity leave.
Enable logon only to the Support computer for all users in the Support OU (but not the SupportManagers OU).