A child having a mass of 50 kg holds her legs up as shown as she swings downward from rest at ?1=30o . Her center of mass is located at point G1 (a radius of 2.8 m from the origin). When she is at the bottom position of ?=0o , she suddenly lets her legs come down, (approximately instantaneously) shifting her center of mass to position G2 (a radius of 3 m from the origin). Determine her speed in the upswing immediately following the change in the position of her center of mass. (Think about what quantity has changed now that her center of mass is further from origin.) Also find the angle ?2 to which she swings before momentarily coming to rest. Treat the child’s body as a particle. HINT: Think about this problem in 3 phases: 1) Swinging from initial position to vertical position with legs up, 2) Instantaneously bending legs while in vertical position, and 3) swinging from vertical to final position with legs bent.....Answer: v2 = 2.53 m/s, ?2=27o......Please show a clear and understandable solution