Status: Not Submitted 9.4.8: Employees Save Submit + Continue RUN CODE TEST CASES ASSIGNMENT DOCS GRADE MORE 创 5 points Status: Not Submitted FILES 1 public class Employee Tester 2-{ 3 public static void main(String[] args) 4- { 5 // Start here! 6 } 7 8 In this problem, you are going to create an Employee superclass and an HourlyEmployee subclass. D D The Employee class will hold the employee's name and annual salary. You should have getters for both instance variables, but only a setter for the salary. In the HourlyEmployee class, you will add an hours instance variable as well as a method to set and get the hourly salary. You are not storing the hourly salary, but rather converting it to an annual salary. To convert an houlry salary to an annual salary, multiply the hourly rate by the number of hours per week and then by 52. You will need to do the reverse to get the hourly salary. Both classes should have a toString and examples are in the starter code. Be sure to test your classes in the EmployeeTester class! Status: Not Submitted 9.4.8: Employees Save Submit + Continue RUN CODE TEST CASES ASSIGNMENT DOCS GRADE MORE 1 - public class Hourly Employee extends Employee { 5 points Status: Not Submitted private double hoursPerWeek; FILES 4 In this problem, you are going to create an Employee superclass and an HourlyEmployee subclass. // Call the Employee constructor and pass it a calculated annual salary public Hourly Employee(String name, double hourlySalary, double hoursPerweek){ The Employee class will hold the employee's name and annual salary. You should have getters for both instance variables, but only a setter for the salary. D } D // Get the annual salary from the superclass and convert it back // to hourly. public double getHourlySalary({ In the HourlyEmployee class, you will add an hours instance variable as well as a method to set and get the hourly salary. You are not storing the hourly salary, but rather converting it to an annual salary. To convert an houlry salary to an annual salary, multiply the hourly rate by the number of hours per week and then by 52. You will need to do the reverse to get the hourly salary. } // Use the input to set the annual salary in the superclass Both classes should have a toString and examples are in the starter code. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 - 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 public void setHourlySalary(double hourlySalary) { Be sure to test your classes in the EmployeeTester class! } * Example output: * Mike makes $18.0 per hour */ public String toString() { } Status: Not Submitted 9.4.8: Employees Save Submit + Continue RUN CODE TEST CASES ASSIGNMENT DOCS GRADE MORE E 1 - public class Employee { 2 3 private String name; 4 private double salary: 5 points Status: Not Submitted FILES In this problem, you are going to create an Employee superclass and an Hourly Employee subclass, public Employee (String name, double annualSalary){ } D public String getName() { D } The Employee class will hold the employee's name and annual salary. You should have getters for both instance variables, but only a setter for the salary. In the HourlyEmployee class, you will add an hours instance variable as well as a method to set and get the hourly salary. You are not storing the hourly salary, but rather converting it to an annual salary. To convert an houry salary to an annual salary, multiply the hourly rate by the number of hours per week and then by 52. You will need to do the reverse to get the hourly salary. Both classes should have a toString and examples are in the starter code. public double getAnnualSalary(){ 6 7 8 9 10 - 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 - 23 24 25 26 27- 28 29 30 31 } public void setAnnualSalary(double annualSalary) { } Be sure to test your classes in the EmployeeTester class! /** * Example output: * Mr. Karel makes $75000.0 per year * public String toString({ } }