Using your knowledge of how to properly punctuate dialogue, select the choice that has no errors.
"You may have luxuries and dainties that I have not," She said as she hurried away, "But I prefer my plain food and simple life in the country with the peace and security that go with it."
"You may have luxuries and dainties that I have not." she said as she hurried away, "but I prefer my plain food and simple life in the country with the peace and security that go with it."
"You may have luxuries and dainties that I have not." she said as she hurried away. "But I prefer my plain food and simple life in the country with the peace and security that go with it."
"You may have luxuries and dainties that I have not," she said as she hurried away, "but I prefer my plain food and simple life in the country with the peace and security that go with it.