
Fourth graders Sarah, Anna, Carlos, and Daniel are arguing over who gets to use the tire swing at recess. Only one person can fit on the swing, and they need to figure out a fair way of deciding who gets it. Which of the following are fair methods for making a decision?
(Choice A)
“Let’s flip a coin,” Sarah suggests, “heads I get the swing, tails Daniel gets it.”

(Choice B)
Carlos pulls out a nickel, a dime, and a penny. “Let’s throw all three of these coins into the air,” he says, “if they are all heads, Sarah gets the swing. If there are two heads, Anna gets the swing. If there is one heads, I get the swing, and if there are no heads Daniel gets the swing.”

(Choice C, Checked)
Anna suggests this: “Sarah and I will flip a coin, while Carlos and Daniel flip a coin. The winners of each coin flip will face each other in a final coin flip. The winner of that flip gets the swing.”

(Choice D)
“Let’s just flip two coins,” Daniel suggests, “a quarter and a penny. If they are both heads, I get the swing. If they’re both tails, Sarah gets the swing. If the quarter is heads and the penny is tails, Anna gets the swing, and if the quarter is tails and the penny is heads, Carlos gets it.”