Use the evaluation form provided to document the feedback you receive on your rehearsed speech. Include the assessment of any family members or peers, as well as your own self-evaluation. In the "Action Plan" space, prioritize any improvements you need to make before your final presentation and describe how you will make these improvements. Use the space provided below to record the information you gather on the form. Click here to download the evaluation form .
If you have made an audio or video recording of your speech, check the following specific points under the "Language Style" and "Speaking Voice" categories. If you have family members or peers evaluate your speech, have them check these points for you as well.
Language Style:
Is the tone of the speech too formal? Too informal?
Is the word choice at an appropriate level for the audience?
Is the language precise rather than vague?
Are there grammatical errors or meaningless filler words?
Speaking Voice:
Is your speaking voice at an appropriate volume? Too soft? Too loud?
Does your voice shake?
Does the pitch of your voice rise and fall in a natural way, consistent with the content of what you're saying?
Do your words run together?
Do you sound doubtful about what you are saying?
Do you use a monotone that shows no expression and is likely to put your audience to sleep?
Do you speak too fast or too slow?
Do you unconsciously use nervous expressions like, uh, ah, um, well, or you know?
Do you run out of breath in the middle of important sentences?