Look at the list of laws created in the colonies:

1. No interracial relationships. (A Black and white person could not date)

2. Tax imported captives. (meaning if you buy a slave from another country, you pay more for it, so instead people started to take the children of slaves already in America)

3. Classify Natives and Blacks the same way you would horses and hogs in the tax code. Meaning, they were literally classified as livestock, and not as a human.

4. Blacks can’t hold office.

5. All property owned by a slave is sold, which of course contributes to Black poverty.

6. Oh, and White indentured servants who were freed are awarded fifty acres of property, of course contributing to White prosperity (wealth).

What is one effect these laws would have?

A) They take away power from wealthy white elites

B) They keep poor whites, Native Americans, and Black people separated from each other and rank whites above others.

C) They make it difficult for multiple religions to practice in peace

D) They help Black people earn money