Introduction: In your first paragraph, you need to start by saying who Columbus was. (Remember to include all that your English teachers' have taught you: Hook, Thesis, etc.)
***Write at least 3 sentences.


In this paragraph you need to write about some positives about Columbus.
You could start like this: In some ways, Christopher Columbus was a success. Here are some examples. First,...
***Write at least 5 sentences.


In this paragraph you need to write about some negative things about Columbus.You could start like this: In other ways, Columbus was a failure. Here are some examples. First,...
***Write at least 5 sentences


Conclusion: In this paragraph you have to say what you think and make a claim. Do you think Christopher Columbus was a success or a failure, should he be celebrated or condemned? Choose one position or the other STRONGLY. (Don't be in the middle.) Summarize the reasons why Columbus should be celebrated or condemned.
***Write at least 3 sentences.